For those of you who are just playing the Mobile Legends game: Bang Bang will often encounter unfamiliar word terms or word abbreviations that you don't know yet.
In this article I will tell you the meaning of some word terms and abbreviations in Mobile Legends.
First we start from the list of names of heroes that are often abbreviated by players, namely:
Alu = Alucard
Haya = Hayabusa
Mino = Minotaur
Gatot = Gatotkaca
Nata = Natalia
yz = Yun Zhao (now it's called Zilong)
Rora = Aurora
Dora = Eudora
yss = Yi Sun-shin
Rafa = Rafaela
The following are the words we will often encounter in the game:
Noob = comes from the word "newbie" which means skills that are still like beginners and laymen, in short this is often used to handle people if they are bad.
Afk = "away from keyboard" is usually used on PC games for those who are leaving their computer / keyboard, but the point is that people are disappearing somewhere in the game.
Feed = gives a lot of kills to enemies. If we die more often than ngekill then we are usually called feeders because they tend to burden the team by feeding the enemy.
GG = good game, but usually it is often used as sarcasm in teams that have a bad load or play.
WP = well played, more or less the same as GG.
OP = overpowered, meaning very strong.
Ult / ulti = short for ultimate, that is the last skill 3 / skill in an existing hero.
When we get the kill continue throughout the game without death / death, then we will get:
- Killing Spree = 3 kill in a row without experiencing death
- Mega Kill = 4 kill
- Unstoppable = 5 kill
- Monster Kill = 6 kill
- God Like = 7 kill
- Legendary = 8 kill
- Shutdown = when we successfully kill a hero who gets the status above
- Wipe Out = when all the five opponent team heroes die
- Killing Spree = 3 kill in a row without experiencing death
- Mega Kill = 4 kill
- Unstoppable = 5 kill
- Monster Kill = 6 kill
- God Like = 7 kill
- Legendary = 8 kill
- Shutdown = when we successfully kill a hero who gets the status above
- Wipe Out = when all the five opponent team heroes die
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Then when we get chain killing, we will get:
- Double Kill = kills 2 enemies at once or in a short time
- Triple Kill = kills 3 enemies
- Maniac = kill 4 enemies (Quadra Kill)
- Savage = kill 5 enemies (Penta Kill)
For map / maping problems there are also various abbreviations used, namely:
- Top = upper map area (upper lane)
- Mid = middle lane
- Bot = lane below
- 212 = standard formation with 2 heroes above (top), 1 mid, and 1 bot.
- 311 = special formation with 3 heroes in the upper / lower lane, 1 mid, and 1 alone (usually this one will be in the lane lord, we can see at the beginning of the turtle game in the lane up / down).
- Jungle = forest area that contains large monsters (not minion), if it's being moaned (killing forest monsters) it's called jungling.
- Roam = trace another lane for example from top to mid.
- Buff = special monsters that are in the middle of the forest and give each role a bonus effect when killed.
KDA = number of kill - death - assists.
MVP = "most valuable player", that is, the player / hero who has the best contribution to the team, is usually judged based on the number of kill, death, assists (KDA), percentage of damage to the opponent's hero and turret, then the amount of gold and exp obtained.
Farming = collects exp and gold so you can quickly level up and build items.
Ganking = surround or attack enemies with friends / team.
CC = crowd control, which is the ability of a hero skill that makes the enemy powerless for a moment like stun, freeze, disable, etc.
AOE = area of effect, which is a skill that has damage / effect in one area, so it can hit many enemies at once.
MM = marksman -> hero roles that attack remotely.
Nerf = weakens, for example there is a very strong hero, so many players complain that they want to be nerf (attenuated).
Buff = strengthens, the opposite of nerf, if there are heroes who tend to be weak / weak, usually lots of people ask to be buffed (strengthened).
Report = report players who play negatively like afk, feeding, using cheats, etc.
ML / MLBB = Mobile Legends / Mobile Legends: Bang Bang.
Those are some meanings and abbreviations of various word terms and abbreviations in Mobile Legends. Hopefully this article can add a little insight into this game even further.
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