6 Tips for Mobile Legends that Newbies Must Memorize!


Just playing Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, Molen Friends? You have to see Molen's tips and tricks on this one!   

 6 Tips for Mobile Legends that Newbies Must Memorize!

6 Tips for Mobile Legends that Newbies Must Memorize!

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is currently a MOBA game that is very mushrooming among Android gamers. Even said to start competing with Vainglory! With the height of Mobile Legends players, there are also many who are still "newbies" - aka beginners. Well Molen wants to share basic Mobile Legends tips and tricks that must be remembered by new players, here! What are the 6 tips and tricks? Let's just check the article this time.  

1. Mobile Legends Game Specifications 

This Android MOBA game has the following minimum specifications: OS: Android 4.0+, RAM: 1GB + RAM, CPU: 4-Core  

2. You Can Buy Gear Manually 

When you start playing, you will be able to buy Gear like other MOBA-MOBA. 

However, to accelerate the pace of the game, Mobile Legends provides automatic selection of the Gear in the upper right. If you want to buy a Gear manually, just press the money picture in the top right corner. It will open a new menu that contains all the gear available in the game. If you want to change the gear order automatically, just open the Prep page in the game's main screen then select Gear.  

3. Always Complete Dailies

Open Free Chest, and Pursue Achievement To get bonus items, don't forget to open the Free Chest on the front page. Then check your Achievement progress by pressing the trophy icon at the top. By completing several tasks, you will get a prize in the form of Battle Points and others.  

4. Take advantage of Hero Rotation

You have to open Hero one by one using Battle Points or Diamond, but there is a free Hero rotation every week. Take advantage of free Hero times like this to try out the Hero that seems interesting before buying them.  

5. Continue to train your ultimate hero

We recommend that you first master the Hero you have or really want, rather than throw Battle Points or Diamond to unlock other Heroes. If you can use your favorite Hero for various situations, surely learning other heroes will be easier too.

6. Most suitable hero for beginners

Layla: The farthest attack range. Great damage and easy controls too. Must use Gear to increase ATK Speed.

Balmond: Fighter taste Tank. The Ulti is awesome too. Must use Gear to increase Armor.

Eudora: Long distance, the Ulti is sick, and Skill 1 is useful to weaken your opponent's HP. Watch out for thin armor. Must use Gear to reduce Cooldown time.

Miya: Long distance too, the coolest skill 1. Cheap and even easy to play without Ulti, but weak at close range. Must use Gear for LifeSteal.

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