
At this time Mobile Legends tips I will discuss good heroes for us to use, especially when drafted, one of the reasons we are often lost in ranks other than bad teams is because we choose weak heroes and have no contribution to team. Note: these tips are specifically for player draft picks (rank Epic ++), so I will discuss one by one the strongest / best heroes we have to master including weak heroes that should be avoided.


Some of the heroes that we should avoid / don't use in draft modes are:


Maybe there are some of you who disagree with the list above, but let me give a little explanation, firstly the condition is a solo queue (playing alone not with friends / squad) so that it is certain that cooperation will be perfunctory.

Sun & Alpha have already explained before that this hero is indeed "weak" overall, even though it has been buffed at the last update but still lacks OP when compared to Argus, Karrie, Karina, etc. Even though the Clone Sun has been buffed, it's almost useless (the name is also AI), especially when the enemy gets gold / exp when killing Sun clone (instead of being a feeder), Alpha even though the damage is buffed but this hero is very soft and very dependent on skill.

Alucard may be a lot of players who like it, but I myself rarely even find Alucard in the draft mode, the reason is because this hero is very soft and depends on tankers. Remember this is solo queue, not necessarily our team tanker can coordinate when we engage, even though Alucard's lifesteal is big but if this hero is stunned / disabled for a while then it is certain that he will die. "Can you use Purify's spell?", Right, but the problem is how often can we use Purify? Purify is one of the battle spells with the longest cooldown (150 seconds), I myself like to use Alucard, but I only use it in ranked mode to tier GM only.

Ruby is a teamwork hero. Remember Ruby is very dependent on teamwork, so it is very not recommended to use this hero during a solo queue.

Layla the markman hero with the furthest range, but it is a pity not to have any movement mechanism on all three skills. Compare that with other marksman heroes, Bruno has a far enough dash skill, Miya has the ultimate (invicible), Clint & Yi Sun-shin has jumping back skills, Moskov has dash + knock back (+ stun), only Layla has no blur mechanism whatever because this hero is very dependent on the team to back up and make sure we stay in a safe range, maybe some people say they can use Flicker, but just like the Alucard case above, how often can we use Flicker? Spell once in two minutes can we make sure we won't get caught especially when playing with a team that we don't know, different from the other marksman escape skills that have the most cooldow only seconds, Layla is a bad choice if we solo ranked with strangers.

Estes can be said to be between OP hero and trash. OP because this hero used to be banned in draft mode very often because healing and slow area skills are very annoying and the passive skill damage is also quite noticeable at the beginning of the game, this hero's garbage is very easily anticipated with the Deadly Blade item (this item serves to reduce all effects 50% healing both lifesteal, skill-healing skills, regen, to battle spell healing), not to mention there are also similar items for the mage namely Necklace of Durance (RIP Estes), no wonder we rarely see Estes playing, Estes only make the team condition 4 vs 5 if the enemy understands and builds Deadly Blade. At Epic tier - Legend almost all players are aware of this, so you should avoid Estes in a ranked mode.

Now we are in the 5 strongest and best heroes for solo ranked on Mobile Legends, namely:

1. Tank = Chou


This hero is actually quite often banned in tier Legend - Glorious Legend, Chou becomes one of the best heroes for solo ranked for two main reasons: this hero is strong against all types of heroes and also this hero is strong in all phases (OP in early-mid-late game).

But indeed Chou is rather difficult to play by players who are still ordinary, therefore we need to practice first and learn to use this hero well.

Alternatively tankers other than Chou are Minotaurs, you could say the Minotaur are the most OP tankers in the early game, so it's no wonder we often see the Minotaur def tower alone (strategy 3-1-1). The 1 Minotaur skill has great damage, plus healing skill 2, and CC + damage from the Ultrathin skill, not to mention that if you enter rage mode that can make this hero like a god, I suggest choosing the Minotaur as the second option after Chou. Sometimes there are also teams that use 2 Minotaur and Chou tankers for a better combination of crowd control and defense.

2. Fighter = Roger


The hero is almost 11-12 with Zilong, they both have very large basic attack outputs, especially those who often become game makers during late games, but I prefer Roger because he can at the same time become a markman (human mode), so that he can play safely rather than Zilong, remember if playing solo ranked we have to be able to take care of ourselves often because our team doesn't necessarily care about wanting to help / help us in times of trouble.

Plus the skill 1 (wolf mode) has instant immune effects, so it is suitable for team war rather than Zilong and Alucard, why? Because during open war (team fight) most of the heroes who will get CC (crowd control) are tankers and fighters, and Roger can avoid using skill 1, or run away using his human skill.

Zilong is actually a pretty good choice after Roger, but it needs the right timing and a little help from the team to maximize this hero, my suggestion for the fighter is to choose Roger on draft mode, other options select Zilong if Roger has been picked up by the opponent.

3. Assassin = Saber


There are 2 main advantages of Saber, namely poke skill 1 and CC + damage to the ult. First Saber is the easiest hero to poke (dealing damage remotely safely), use skill 1 to reduce enemy blood bit by bit and reduce armor defense (passive skill effect, can stack up to 5x for 5 seconds), then use ulti skill on soft heroes like marksman / mage and dying opponents.

Even though the crowd control is only a single target, Saber is often the key to victory when team war, because it can silence marksman or burst damager from the opposing team and make the enemy lose his carry in an instant.

4. Mage = Aurora


There is usually a dilemma between choosing Cyclops or Aurora as the strongest hero in draft pick, my suggestion if you only care about burst damage (because the team already has CC hero) then choose Cyclops, but if there is no CC hero in the team that can stun / disable , then of course you have to choose Aurora.

This hero will be very OP if using a 3-1-1 strategy, with a combination of Chou, Minotaur, and Saber.

But since what we discussed this time is solo ranked, Aurora is still the best choice even without team strategy / combination due to high crowd control (freeze) and damage damage. Especially when the war Aurora team can freeze all opposing teams and bring victory. No wonder this hero will often be contested in draft mode.

5. Marksman = Irithel


You could say Irithel is the most ideal marksman for solo ranked, because of his passive skill that allows us to move while attacking, making us very easy to run away / chase enemies and secure our position when team war.

Although weak in early-mid games, but according to me Irithel is the most powerful marksman hero in late game, because of the damage of his very large and mass ultus (AOE) so that it can kill enemies at once quickly.

Plus skill 1 is very good for war (reducing defense) and skill 2 has the highest slow effect (80%) so that the opponent's hero will not be able to escape from Irithel's pursuit.
Those are the 5 strongest heroes and the best for solo ranked (my version), this is the closing recommendation of the hero priority that I will use when solo queue:
  • Tank = Chou, Minotaur, Tigreal
  • Fighter = Roger, Zilong, Bane (for push turret), Argus (if it's not banned)
  • Assassin = Saber, Fanny, Karina, Hayabusa
  • Mage = Aurora, Cyclops, Harley
  • Marksman = Irithel, Karrie, Moskov, Clint

Of course all the heroes that I have mentioned above are chosen based on my personal experience and preferences, so I will return to who is playing and how good we are at mastering the hero played.

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